Legal Notice

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that the website DonBnB, is owned by Luc Juliot Nken Nguiladjoe, with DNI/CIF 79289906M and residing at Carretera campo de golf, 83, 29004 Malaga, Spain.

To communicate with us, we provide you with different means of contact which are detailed below:

Postal Address :

DonBnB – Carretera campo de golf 83, 29004 Málaga, Spain

Contact Information :

Email : [email protected]

Telephone: 722 36 39 14

We inform you that the purpose of the website, is to provide the general public with information about the activities of this company and the products and services it provides, both through our online shop and directly at our premises. All our products are presented including the VAT corresponding to each article. The delivery time may vary depending on the stock and the payment method used. Each item is delivered with the corresponding manufacturer’s warranty. The personal data files of all those customers who register with Don BnB, either through our website or directly in our store, comply with the regulations and in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD).